Sunday, November 18, 2007

Looking into IT!! has been a while...
so its about time....

What should i talk about??
Recently, it has been crazy...the amount of stuff happening at work, at home, church, friends....etc....

Something i am pondering about.....Normally when you are the firstborn....there are a few traits that you could look out for....
1. Good Leadership skills...
2. Independant
3. Decision maker
4. Organize
5.Detail person.

As i was checkin myself and looking at the stuff i have been doing and they way i have been handling things.....

My personal opinion... i have leadership skills, im quite independant, im a decision maker... im quite organize( the mess in my room dont count ok) but I am just bad with details....Maybe i need to check with mummy if i have a long lost sibling out there.....

Kinda ticks me off sometimes when the truth dawned upon me that I AM NOT A DETAIL PERSON!!!!!
I just overlook things ...especially when it comes to numbers....i am just bad at that...

I had an appraisal just recently...everything else was ok.....but when it comes to the part about being director stared at me....and asked....har che( that is what everyone calls me ....everywhere)...what do you want me to tick?? i cant even defend myself...i just said...i think i need improvement.....and she said...OBVIOUSLY!!!!! kinda shot me right at my face...
but i just had to admit it......after the appraisal i blew it again and again...
i realize it is such a hard thing to do....

so to all the detail souls in the world....KUDOS to you guys...and please pray for this poor soul here.....





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